EWOT System Q & A



Q: What is the difference between EWOT & Hyperbaric?

A: This is a complex answer. Please read the article by Dr. Sircus


Q: Is our bag BPA, PCV & phthalates free?

A: YES. Our bag has a medical-grade interior lining that is inert and will not off-gas. The material is FDA compliant for use with oxygen. 



Q: How many liters per minute (LPM) should the oxygen concentrator be for my EWOT system?

A: Since you are breathing from the bag, not the oxygen concentrator itself, you can use any LPM. However, the higher the LPM, the faster the bag fills up. 10LPM will fill in under 90 min. 5LPM will take 3 hours. Keep in mind you can keep the oxygen concentrator running while using the EWOT System to add extra oxygen for your next fill time is faster. 10LPM system adds 150 liters to the bag during exercise. 5LPM will add half that. 

Q: Can I leave oxygen in the bag, and is it safe?

A: Yes and yes, but we suggest that when you are not home for extended periods (2 days or more), empty the bag. Keep away from flames, and do not smoke near the system. Keep in mind O2 makes a fire burn faster and hotter, but it will not cause an explosion. The bag is not under pressure. Oxygen will stay in the bag as long as you allow it. 

Q: I don't have a lot of room. How can I make this fit?

A: Eliminate the stands. The bag was designed originally to hang from the ceiling in a vertical or horizontal position. There are brass grommets at the top of the bag to facilitate this. 

Q: How will I know when the bag is full, and will it blow up if I forget to turn off the oxygen concentrator?

A: We include a special valve that releases O2 once the bag is full. The bag is full when the shape no longer changes. A distinct "V" appears at the top of the bag, and you will quickly get to know the shape when it's full. If you turn off the oxygen concentrator, all the O2 that is currently in the bag will remain until you breathe it from the mask. 

Q: How do I clean the bag and hoses?

A: The main bag receives the cleanest, dry O2 possible. It should not harbor mold whatsoever. In addition, the lining is anti-microbial. When breathing from the mask, you only inhale O2 from the bag, you can never breathe into the bag or hoses with the mask. The valves in the mask only allow inhalation of clean, dry O2 and exhalation of CO2 into the room. Therefore, none of the hoses or bag should ever need to be cleaned. If you feel you must clean the main breathing hose, any CPAP hose cleaner on the market will suffice. When not in use, simply disconnect the main breathing hose from the bag to let it breathe. In our opinion, keeping the system closed keeps cleaner, HEPA filtered O2 in the bag vs. contaminated room air.

Q: How do I clean the masks, and do I need one for each person?

A: Both systems include a medical-grade mask. The medical-grade masks also hold up well to autoclaving and sterilization procedures. You only need additional masks if the person needs a different size. For clinics, we suggest you have one of each of the medical-grade to keep on-site for those who don't bring their masks. We highly suggest you buy the non-medical grade masks and sell them to your clients. They are responsible for cleaning their own masks and bringing them. 

Q: Does the oxygen have a smell, and are there any gasses from the hoses or bag? 

A: No. Our hoses from the concentrator are silicone. The air is filtered in 3 stages, and stage 3 is HEPA. Only EWOT offers HEPA air filtration, which removes 99.9% of dust particles and impurities from the air, including pollen, mold, spores, pet dander, and/or dust mites. Our bag is a medical-grade TPU interior lining that is inert and no off-gassing. 

Q: What studies are available on the benefits of exercising with oxygen? 

A: The entire industry formed from the body of work by Dr. Manfred von Ardenne, Oxygen Multistep Therapy, Physiological and Technical Foundations. This 400-page book documents the 10,000 patients and results of various versions of O2 Therapy. Click here to preview the book

Q: Can I add more than one oxygen concentrator to the EWOT Therapy System?

A: Yes, we offer the multi-port adaptor to connect up to 3 concentrators.


Q: Can I add more than one oxygen concentrator to the XCEL O2 System?

A: Yes, you can connect two concentrators to the system.

Q: What exercise equipment do you suggest?

A: The ideal equipment is one that keeps your head from moving up and down and back and forth. Keep in mind you have a hose coming out of your face. An upright spin bike is best. 

Q: Can I use an oxygen tank, and do I need a prescription? Are your oxygen concentrators portable?

A: Oxygen tanks require a prescription from your doctor because they are explosive and 100% pure. Oxygen concentrators are not portable (you cannot go places like the store) but have wheels for moving around and are used with stationary exercise systems. Oxygen requires a prescription if your intended use is for medical purposes. If you need oxygen for medical conditions, please consult with your doctor. 


Q: How often do I need to use EWOT, and for how long?

A: Consider EWOT as one component of your exercise program. Target three days per week at 15 minutes max per session. Incorporate weight training and possible outdoor walking or swimming as additional components of your overall conditioning program. If you are in poor health, EWOT may be your only way to exercise. 

Q: How strenuous does using EWOT have to be to be effective?

A: Only light to moderate exercise is required to see significant benefits. You will work out at a very steady pace for 15 min, but every 3 min you will sprint for 20-30 seconds, making sure your BPM (Beats Per Minute) is 110 or higher. You will repeat this cycle 3-5 times. 

This question brings up an interesting discussion point about EWOT. The idea involves a perceived level of exertion. When exercising with oxygen, tissues and muscles have higher levels of oxygen available for energy production. The human brain detects the higher levels of oxygen and thus perceives less physical stress. We can exercise longer with greater energy production. The result is increased caloric burn for each minute of exercise.

Q: I have sleep apnea, and I use a CPAP machine. Is this a form of oxygen? Can this machine do something for me while I am exercising?

A: CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure. Sleep apnea occurs when airway muscles naturally relax during sleep. The result is an obstruction in airflow, leading to arousal from sleep. The CPAP machine provides continuous positive pressure to the airway to hold the tissues open and promote airflow. Normal room air is used directly without extra oxygen. CPAP is not EWOT and can not be modified for EWOT. CPAP does NOT provide high-flow, high-purity oxygen. 

Q: Does breathing extra oxygen create free radicals?

A: No. Free radicals are highly reactive oxygen, nitrogen, and oxygen/hydrogen atoms which create cell damage through their effect on fats and proteins. Free radicals are not in the food we eat, the water we drink, or the air we breathe. Triggers for free radicals include infection, trauma, stress, toxins, allergies, and the sun.

 The free radical reaction we call oxidative stress is the result of cellular metabolism. Excess exercise increases oxidative stress. Specifically, oxidative stress is increased when the muscle cell outstrips its oxygen supply and is forced to produce energy through anaerobic glycolysis. Therefore, exercising to the point of anaerobic glycolysis increases free radical propagation.

 Exercise With Oxygen Therapy reduces free radical propagation for each watt of power produced by the human body. Testing was conducted at the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The athletes competed in three randomized trials in which they performed a standardized interval workout while inspiring a medical-grade gas with oxygen concentrations of 21%, 26%, and 60%. Post-training testing was performed on blood and urine. Noted, there was no significant difference between the supplemental oxygen trials and the control trial in serum lipid hydroperoxide and reduced glutathione or urinary malondialdehyde and 8- hydroxyl-deoxygenase.

 It can be concluded that Exercise With Oxygen Therapy enhances exercise tolerance without inducing additional oxidative stress. View study

Q: How do I know if it's safe for me to start EWOT?

A: The higher O2 levels are not the issue. For many, it's the sudden change in getting exercise. If you have not exercised in a long time, begin gradually, but consult your doctor. If you don't have any health concerns, breathing higher levels of O2 is considered safe. Consult your doctor before doing exercise and/or EWOT.



WARNING: The products on this website are offered strictly as exercise tools only. They are not intended for any type of medical use or respiratory therapy. The products are not intended to prevent, treat, cure or mitigate any disease. If you are under the supervision of a doctor for any reason whatsoever or are on any medications, please consult your doctor before exercising with oxygen.


This product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.