Oxygen Multistep Therapy: Physiological and Technical Foundations

Oxygen Multistep Therapy: Physiological and Technical Foundations by Dr. Manfred von Ardenne

(preview first 46 pages here) 

Referred to as the Bible of EWOT therapy protocols, this book lays out the full science of the benefits gained when exercising with oxygen. All commercial EWOT products evolved due to the very finding of this book. All protocols came from this book. In fact, if it wasn't for this publication, there would be no EWOT. This book is extremely scientific with over 480 scientific references. There are ample studies that are beyond compelling and prove without question the miraculous effects on ATP and microcirculation that EWOT has. If you're skeptical of EWOT or are seeking the published science, this book will end all of your research and is a must have for any clinician who wants to understand the full weight and importance of this process.